quarta-feira, 27 de março de 2019

update 2nd April 2019:

"The UK gave certain multinationals a selective advantage by granting them an unjustified exemption from UK anti–tax avoidance rules. 

This is illegal under EU State aid rules” 

European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said."

in https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-eu-subsidies/eu-orders-uk-to-recover-illegal-tax-aid-from-multinationals-idUKKCN1RE0WB

28 January 2016: 
The European Commission presented its proposal for an 
Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive 
as part of the Anti-Tax Avoidance Package:


"Leave campaign received a total of £24.4 million 

in donations and loans
between February 1 and June 23 2016" :


The Riot Club, 2015, IFC Films, Trailer

The Riot Club film, big-screen adaptation of the stage play Posh staged at The Royal Court Theatre in 2007

"Posh Is about a tribe. And like the play, the film - renamed The Riot Club - takes us on a night out with a tiny, exclusive dining society at Oxford University, loosely inspired by the Bullingdon boys. 

The play was born what feels like a long time ago now, in 2007, at the Royal Court Theatre; it started as a broader project investigating young people and privilege.

(...) there was something about the club's modus operandi that worked dramatically (you can do whatever you like if you can afford to pay for the clean-up afterwards)"

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