quinta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2017

Provocations are a frequent disturbance tool used by Trump to create and intensify tension in conflict areas. It's like ringing the "make America great again" slogan to impose dominance.
Angry reactions, from countries and communities provoked, are legitimate, but what if we give him less of the attention-reaction he's seeking, with his wacky behaviours and provocations, in order to diminish the effect he wishes to spark off? 
Maybe we can notice-to-reject the 'power play by threat' so to focus our attentive perception on his behaviours, for a deeper perception of where and how are the provocation buttons being placed and triggered. 

"For Donald Trump, Muslim barbarism is a political strategy. It inspires the fear and hatred that binds him to his base. Muslim barbarism is so politically useful, in fact, that, when necessary, Trump creates it.

Religious conflicts, like racial and ethnic ones, are critical to Trump’s appeal. He needs Mexican-Americans to rape and murder white girls. He needs African-American athletes to “disrespect the flag.” And he needs Muslims to explode bombs and burn American flags. The more threatening non-white, non-Christians appear, both at home and abroad, the more his supporters rely on him to keep the barbarians down and out. If Trump has to invent these dangers, he will. In the case of Jerusalem, however, he can go further: He can help create them."

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