sábado, 19 de agosto de 2017

ruins and traces left by mankind in those places devastated by war.
(...) she (the photographer) strives to implement the bare act and the stamp of history on both the body and on the landscape, by rendering visible wounds and scars"

in http://galeriepoggi.com/en/artistes/oeuvres/3361/sophie-ristelhueber

"I had to go there and finally I could, but once there I didn't know what to do. Of course there were many pictures that  could have taken of the horrible conditions, which I did not. I could not. What I found was a devastated country. (...) the yellow sand and those thousands of dead palm-trees, black and burnt"

"Fait documents ‘the wounds that we inflict on earth’ through war. Fait which means done or fact in French, purposefully confuses the viewer’s eye by obscuring the depth of field of each photograph. Even with all the technology we have now – when it comes to war ‘in a way we see nothing’ says Ristelheuber."

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