sexta-feira, 26 de março de 2010

"everybody constantly performs
rituals (...) all are repeated structured practices,
some consciously designed in detail, some more consciously performed than others,
and some emerging spontaneously (º hum, what is spontaneity?).
Each ritual is a repeated, coherently structured, and unified aspect of our experience. In performing
them, we give structure and significance to our activities, minimizing caos and disparity in our actions.
(...), building coherent sequences of actions structured in terms
of the natural dimensions of our experience - a part-whole structure, stages, causal relationships,
The metaphors we live by, personal, cultural, are partially preserved in ritual.
Cultural metaphors, and the values entailed by them, are propagated by ritual.
(...) Ritual forms an indispensable part of the experiential basis
of our cultural metaphorical systems." *

rituals of survival, rituals of interaction, rituals of belonging. prayers. practices.

! rituals of obedience, rituals of mechanical conquer and gourmandize. marvelous targets. firing up objects.

The weight and charm of power structures
over the body.
Corsets of tension.
The empowerment of 'no'.
Release. Responsible ease.
Now: 'yes'. Replacement of Up for Down. Place. Grounding agility.
The voice to continue.

The functional embodiment of the perception's challenges-decisions it's a stream
of continuous decision-taking between comfort and risk.

How to be aware of the repetition's inertia and its seductive codes?
How to be aware of the possibility for some relaxation and openness?

Not to change or to change habits-values. Decisions between permanence and renewal,
renewal and permanence.
How to be responsible while practicing?
How to be present both in passive and active being?

How to be present?


* in "Metaphors we live by"
by George Lakoff and Mark Johson,
The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.
Published 2003

º ?


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